Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Apricot Call Ducks

Yesterday I put in the incubator 21 apricot call duck eggs. Apricot call ducks are the most gorgeous little ducks they have a lovely nature and are so friendly. They are as good as a burglar alarm and let me know as soon as anyone or thing is approaching and a lot more friendlier than mr goose which last year I had to arm myself with a rake to let him out in the morning and to put him to bed at night or I would have to make a quick dash for it. So I will keep you all posted. I would love to hear from any of you that have any eggs in the incubator at present.?

My friendly little ducks


  1. I am very interested in raising ducks for laying eggs! I would rather have ducks than chickens. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for swinging by my porch.

  2. Thank you for visiting me in the orchard. My little call ducks lay quite small pale blue eggs just for a few months of the year. But my previous ducks were a cross of Indian Runner and Aylesbury some would lay white and some blue, a good sized egg, for about 9-10 months starting in January here in England. Feel free to ask any questions and if I can help I will.

  3. I love your call ducks. Do you ever sell hatching eggs? I would love to get some from you. I have chicken and quail eggs in the incubator but my ducks don't seem to be laying right now.

    1. Never mind,I see your not in the US. Should have read more.

  4. Hi Becky sorry I cant send any to you I would love you to have some. Hope you can get some in the US.

  5. They're really beautiful!! My dad also keeps ducks and geese. They're his babies.

    1. Hi Wendy
      Yes they are beautiful. I am hoping that some will hatch this weekend.I shall name one Rhubarb.

  6. Hello Sarah,

    I love your call duck's.
    Iv just got a lovely home them its a big one & a pool so when i het mine they will be so looked after iv wanted some duck since a was a child but know im retyerd iv got lots of time on my hands do you think 3 or 4 girls duck would be ok as i dont want to bread them just love & look after them.
    Please could you tell me if you sell them & what time of the year is best with them being so young ,Iv had my bugerlow all tyeld so they can even come in my home watch tv ahahah .iv been reading up on every thing i can get my hands on . so if you do sell them please could you let me know i love the little peach ones but i dont care there all beautiful.
    Sorry i do go on my email in shegg@hotmail.co.uk thank you .


It would lovely to receive your comments, hear about what you do and where you live. Thank you for visiting me here in the Orchard, I will reply as soon as I can. Do visit again. Many happy times.
Sarah xx