Thursday, 7 November 2013
Sheep Training
Monday, 4 November 2013
Sheep, Foxes and Geese
Well I am excited to say we now have three Southdown sheep, this year's lambs they are lovely and they look a bit like teddy bears with really cute faces. They are quiet nervous but in a week or two hopefully I'll have them feeding from the bucket and very tame. Have a brilliant week.
Sarah x
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Power cuts
Having thought we had escaped a power cut during the bad windy weather last Sunday night, we ended up losing all power from Monday morning until Wednesday morning. Having a house that is solely electric, life feels very cozy to begin with, but the novelty soon wears off when you can't cook, there's no hot water, no heating and it's very dark. But the worse thing was the worry that the freezer was defrosting, all that hard work in the kitchen garden, saving my plants from the rain, sun, snow, deer, rabbits and pigeons. Blanching and stewing all that hard work from hours of nurturing the seeds, tenderly caring for the delicate young plants and the back-breaking watering. Now to have that all destroyed would have been a crying shame, but luckily I only had a few things that had to be disposed off, which the chickens enjoyed.
My lovely husband took me out for a good lunch and a cappuccino and in the evening we all sat down and did a crossword together and played games by candlelight which was a good laugh, we also discussed lots of plans for the future. So it wasn't too bad! But I do hope we don't have another for awhile.
Sarah x
Monday, 28 October 2013
Windy, Wet and Wild
This weekend we've had our son and lovely little grandson around to visit us, he is coming up for two and is a very happy little boy, interested in everything , full of laughter and smiles. We actually gave him his birthday present as his birthday is on Christmas day, but we thought he could play with it here as he will have so many to open on Christmas day.
We then had our other son and his wife come over with the twinkles they are 12 weeks old now and both are adorable, they are both very alike in profile, the little girl being very fair and the little boy being very dark. Their mum and dad went for a walk around the fields and meadows while we enjoyed playing with them.
Sunday we woke up early and got up as we gained an extra hour due to the clocks changing and after bacon sandwiches it was a tidy up day or should I say tie down day. I took down my sweetpeas and runner beans also removed the courgette and white flowering cosmos. I had one of my little hens helping dig over the kitchen garden picking up little worms as we went along. My husband helped me take out the sweetcorn as it was very deeply rooted. We enjoyed these as a started for our Sunday roast dinner. We then had a cosy evening watching a film and my favourite Downton Abbey whilst outside the wind and rain played chase around the house.
It is now Monday morning and the sun is now shining with just the occasional gust. Well we still have our power so I fancy doing some cooking today.
Well I would love to hear about your weekend do let us know.
Have a good week, take care
Sarah x
Monday, 21 October 2013
A Mixed Week
Sadly I lost two of my sweet little baby bantams that had hatched earlier in the year, one was found dead in the hen house and the other nowhere to be found. We suspect a hungry buzzard had been and taken it as they have been flying and screeching overhead this week. The rest of the chickens have been very much on their guard with distress calls, when the fruit and acorns drop with heavy thuds from the gusts of wind. They also hate the heavy rain.
More chutney and stewed apples and pears to be put in the freezer have been made with the windfalls. Friends that have come to the door have gone home with carrier bags full. We have been having apples sometimes for breakfast, dinner and tea in different forms one way or another. The house smells pleasantly of apples and pears (and smells better than any scented candle), that are being stored and will hopefully last until next April.
Saturday, a spur of the moment decision to go to London was made, looking around Covent Garden which was buzzing with street acts, lots of tourist and plenty to see in the city despite the rain.
Sunday morning the rain held off just enough time to dig up my exhausted tomato plants and clean up the greenhouse - a job that always marks the end of summer. All that is left in there now are my little sweet pea seedlings and a few lavender plants and a few plants that have already gone to sleep.
Sarah xx
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Orange October

Just thought I would ask you all this question. What colour is your garden predominantly at present? Mine is Orange - it seems that these strong vibrant autumnal colours are exposing a Grande finale and an encore before the first frosts arrive. The garden is calming down for a well earned rest after an energetic growing time after bearing tasty fruit, vegetables, foliage and pretty flowers during the summer season. The weather the last couple of days has been glorious. Hope to hear from you soon.
Sarah x
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Soup Maker
Friday, 4 October 2013
I'm back
I love our small holding more than ever and I still feel this is where I belong and love the fact that everyday brings new scenes and scenarios.

Earlier this year I rescued a tiny little male kitten

who we have named Sooty, we didn’t know whether he would survive but we tried our best, giving him kitten milk formula every 4 hours, he is

now a big bruiser. Shadow and Mittens treat him as a teenage hooligan tearing around and sleeping all day.

available near the house and getting tamer.

The kitchen garden has been plentiful and we have enjoyed a summer of beans, peas

courgettes and much more. The apples, pears and damsons are just dripping of the trees.

I have been busy making apple chutney, jam, gooseberry conserve and damson jelly.

The wasps are drowsy and intoxicated by devouring the apples. The daddy long legs (crane flies) are all over the place especially when I have the light on, I have one keeping me company at present.